Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Christian Workout - Fellowship

The Christian Workout

Ø Monday:

Love, prayer, Poor Relief

Ø Tuesday:

Joy, prayer

Ø Wednesday:

Peace, prayer

Ø Thursday:

Spreading the Gospel, prayer

Ø Friday:

Spiritual Gifts, prayer

Ø Saturday:

Fellowship, prayer

Ø Sunday:


Saturday’s focus is on fellowship, just let me tell you how I have spent my Saturday.

I went to visit an elderly couple around the age of 90, they are both baptised believers.

It is great for a young person to meet up with older Christians who have already trodden the paths of life. They can give us guidance. If we are always spending time with other young people, whether Christian or not, we will not be getting that valuable knowledge that has been passed on from generation to generation. We don’t want to have to always be reinventing the wheel all the time.

The conversation was lovely, it wasn’t full on Biblical debate, no heated discussions... that’s not what fellowship is about. What I think fellowship is about is focussing on what you agree on, which is how great our Saviour is, and what He has done for our poor souls. There is a place for theological discussions, but it should never take the place of real sweet fellowship.

Fellowship doesn’t have to necessarily be talking about Jesus all the time. You can start by talking about something general, perhaps the weather, or you can ask them how they have been since you last saw them. And if both you and the people you are fellowshipping with are real Christians washed in the Redeemer’s blood, without doubt the conversation will always come back to how good the Lord has been to us!

If you love God, you will want to talk about Him all of the time!

For more advice on Exercising Fellowship go to:

For Instruction on Spiritual gifts go to:

For instruction on any other daily focus please go to:

That’s all for today

Please visit again soon.

Michael Buckingham

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Christian Workout - Spiritual Gifts

The Christian Workout

Ø Monday:

Love, prayer, Poor Relief

Ø Tuesday:

Joy, prayer

Ø Wednesday:

Peace, prayer

Ø Thursday:

Spreading the Gospel, prayer

Ø Friday:

Spiritual Gifts, prayer

Ø Saturday:

Fellowship, prayer

Ø Sunday:


I have made another couple changes, I have moved Poor Relief over to Monday with Love, because I think it is more an action of Love.

On Friday, I have added Spiritual gifts, which has been on my mind a lot these past few days.

The idea of Spiritual Gifts comes in 1 Corinthians 12 to 14... Perhaps on Friday you could read that as part of your Bible Study.

I believe that everyone has been given some kind of spiritual gift.

My spiritual gift is the gift of the ministry.

Yours may be something different.

To find out your spiritual gift will take a lot of Bible study and prayer. To find your gift, you must first find your purpose or calling in life. Your gift will be that thing that makes it possible for you to fulfil your calling.

Again I am no expert on the matter, so for the mean time I am going to exhort you to read your Bible and pray.

Perhaps you might want to focus on some Bible characters, look at what their purpose in scripture was, and then look at what spiritual gifts God gave them.

For example Moses, his purpose was to lead the children of Israel... his gift was his closeness with God, the Bible tells us that he could talk face to face with God as if He were his friend.

If you know your gift, you might want to think of ways in which you can put those gifts to use.

Remember everything should be done to the honour and glory of God!

Monday, July 18, 2011

The Christian Workout - Prayer and Fellowship

The Christian Workout

Ø Monday:

Love, prayer

Ø Tuesday:

Joy, prayer

Ø Wednesday:

Peace, prayer

Ø Thursday:

Spreading the Gospel, prayer

Ø Friday:

Poor Relief, prayer

Ø Saturday:

Fellowship, prayer

Ø Sunday:


There are a couple changes from Saturday’s plan, as I felt that it was almost impossible to focus on prayer for a prolonged period of time without becoming like the publican, who liked to pray long prayers that were utterly meaningless, but made him feel like he was doing something good.

So I have put prayer on every single day, as you can see the revised workout plan above. The idea is that you will spend more time praying on each day, and indeed it is possible that every single thing you do can be as a prayer towards God, in that way you can actually pray without ceasing.

Let me explain what I mean when I say we can pray without ceasing. All your actions should be as unto the Lord, God gave His word to you, and you respond with your lifestyle, so in a way your lifestyle can be your prayer back to God.

But I will warn you that your lifestyle should in no way be a substitute for actually getting on your knees and praying.

On Saturday, our focus has changed to Fellowship.

Similar to spreading the Gospel, you will be expected to talk about the Gospel, but the focus here is not on the non-believer, but on the believer.

If you have ever read my sermon entitled “Birds Of a Feather” ( ) you will realise that fellowship with Christians is very important. Basically if you spend all your time will unbelievers, you will eventually become like one of them.

So a bit of advice, on your Saturday, why not meet up with a Christian friend, have fellowship with them, talk about God with them.

If you are a shy person, perhaps you could join an online Christian group, one that I find very useful is the Baptist Board Just join up and start talking to people about how much God really means to you.

If you love God you are going to want to talk about Him all the time!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Christian Workout

The Christian Workout

Ø Monday:


Ø Tuesday:


Ø Wednesday:


Ø Thursday:

Spreading the Gospel

Ø Friday:

Poor Relief

Ø Saturday:


Ø Sunday:


The Idea is to build up Christian muscles which are these 6 virtues followed by a day of rest. If you have ever been to the gym to build muscles or just to tone up, you will have been given a similar workout routine, working on Back, Chest, Biceps, Triceps, Shoulders, and Legs, with some cardio and a warm-up to start with. And this new method has a similar idea.

I have called this devotional method “the Christian Workout” solely because of it’s being based on a gym workout system.

I will be giving training advice on my new Workout blog but for now here is a bit of a starter:

On Monday our theme is Love:

I’m presuming that you will all be beginners for now; perhaps you are quite new to the Christian faith.

Every morning should start off with a Bible reading and a prayer, perhaps you could read 1 Corinthians 13 which is a great chapter, written by the Apostle Paul, completely devoted to love. Then you could pray that God will teach you how to love throughout the day.

Maybe you go to work, is there anyone you don’t like at work? Someone maybe you find hard to get along with? A great show of love would be to act courteously with them, be kind, and try and show a loving spirit. Remember God told us to love our enemies!

If you have time later, maybe you could pick up your study Bible, and look at all the themes of Love.

Love is the main theme in the Bible, it was all for love that Jesus came to Earth to save us, we would do well to truly understand this principle!

And before going to bed, don’t forget to read your Bible and pray again!

On Tuesday, our theme is Joy:

A great passage to read in the morning would be the Epistle to the Philippians, it’s all about Joy. Then you can pray to God that you will be given joy throughout the day.

Then what ever you do, see if you can keep smiling non-stop throughout the day. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t succeed, it takes a long time to build up your spiritual muscles. Do the best you can this week and hopefully next week you will be doing much better.

It won’t hurt to smile on the day’s that isn’t Tuesday, Tuesday is just the day when we really focus on Joy, a Christian should always have each of these principles in the Christian Workout at all times! But the idea of the workout is to encourage us to focus on these topics.

A Christian is a saved soul; nothing in this world that can ever happen to them should be able to make them sad or depressed!

On Wednesday our theme is Peace:

This one is really, really hard! Peace isn’t something easily acquired, like love and joy, we might only be able to achieve a little in a day, but we must pray that although we only achieve little, that God would help us to improve every week.

Is your job stressful? This inner peace can make all the difference.

I am no expert in Peace, I do not claim to have received much of it, but if we look in the Bible, doubtless we will be able to find the answers. I recommend that you buy yourself a good study Bible, and a concordance, just look through each of those reference to peace, look at examples of how people received peace and you will find the Bible an excellent resource.

And remember always read your Bible and pray.

On Thursday our theme is Spreading the Gospel:

This is one for every Christian, it’s the great commission found at the end of Matthew, preaching is not just for preachers, if you truly love God and are truly grateful for Him dying to save you, you will want to take every opportunity to talk to people about Him. But the problem is that we are all very fearful people, and we are afraid that people will make fun of us because we are Christians. So I have devoted Thursday to talking to people about Jesus.

In the morning you could read some chapters from the book of Acts, where the apostles told people about Jesus, ask for God’s help to open your mouth.

If you are anything like I used to be, you probably never even mentioned to your friends that you are a Christian, so a great start for you would be to let it slip out in conversation that you are a Christian, they won’t tear you to pieces, the hardest bit is overcoming yourself.

If you are an experienced Christian you might want to strike up a conversation with someone, and tell them about what Jesus means to you.

And remember, a good Christian life is as good an example as any, be kind and loving to all, and be certain to never do anything that God would not approve of.

On Friday, our theme is Poor Relief:

Give money to charity, if you have a good income you might want to set aside a sum of money each month for charities. Remember God loveth the cheerful giver!

Maybe you have some unwanted items hanging around the house, why not take them down to your local charity store.

Read the Gospels, you will see what love Jesus had to the poor.

Pray for the poor, prayer can do more than all the money in the world! But don’t think that you can pray and then you are absolved from financial contribution, that’s like the Pharisees that say one thing and do another.

As always, Bible study and prayer are invaluable!

On Saturday our theme is Prayer:

Prayer is of number 1 importance, and should be exercised every day, that and Bible Study form the Spiritual cardio, while the others form the spiritual muscle building.

But, we have set aside Saturday as a special day of prayer, see how long you can pray for with feeling. Don’t just say words, you have to really mean them, you must be passionate.

Pray for those close to you, pray for your natural and spiritual teachers, pray for important people in every walk of life, pray for the week and infirm, pray that the Lord would make you grow in grace and in the knowledge of Him, and most of all pray that God would be glorified.

A couple scripture passages that you might want to focus on is The Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6, and Jesus’ prayer in John 17.

There is much study that can be done on the matter of prayer, and much experience taken from simply pouring out your heart before God!

And finally on Sunday our theme is Rest:

Basically there is no theme, you just worship God as He ought to be worshipped, go to Church, sing praises just totally let God take over your life.

Remember God made the Sabbath for man and not man for the Sabbath, you should learn to enjoy your Sundays, do things that you want to do, but be certain that it’s all to do with God!

So just a few tips:

When building up your spiritual muscles, always work to your limit, love until you can love no more, be joyful until you have run out of joy, be perfectly peaceful until there is no peace left in you, and so on. Your spiritual muscles will only grow in they are pushed to their limits.

If you are new, don’t be disheartened if you feel like you are not achieving anything, everyone starts from somewhere.

And never let this workout become a burden to you, try and enjoy it. If it becomes a burden to you and makes you want to give up you Christianity it is of no use!

And remember all things should be done as unto The Lord bringing all honour and glory to His precious name!

Please check the blog mentioned above for more advice, and don’t hesitate to email me on if you need advice or if you have any advice for me, or you just want to tell us how the workout scheme has blessed your life.

I pray the Lord would bless you,

Michael Buckingham.